Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My Religious Testimony

This will be a double post, and is scheduled to be published tomorrow on my regular blog. 
I recently read a post written by a fellow "Mormon", and it inspired me to follow her challenge to share my beliefs online. I actually do this quite often, and have a separate blog for religious posts. I also have created a facebook page to celebrate my religion. But I decided that as part of this challenge, I would like to share my beliefs here, with my friends who read this blog.

I believe in God, the eternal father. But for me, He isn't some disembodied aura without "body, parts, or passions". He has a perfect, immortal body, and it is His image from which we were created. I also believe that He is the father of our spirits. This makes each one of us on this planet spirit brothers and sisters. We are all children of God. He loves each one of us, and wants us to be happy.

I also believe that He sent His only begotten son, Jesus Christ to redeem us. Jesus Christ suffered and paid the price for our sins so that we can repent. He was crucified on the cross, but being the son of God, He was able to resurrect His body, and bring to pass the resurrection of all mankind. Because of Him, we all will be resurrected some day. His sacrifice overcame the two greatest obstacles between us and God; namely sin, and death.

I believe that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God, just like the prophets in the Bible. Through him, the original church of Jesus Christ was restored to the earth. Today, that organization remains with twelve apostles, and a prophet leading and guiding the church. Having a living prophet means that we continue to receive revelation from God, and current guidance for the church.

I believe the Bible to be the word of God. I believe the Book of Mormon is also the word of God. I believe that God continues to give His word today, and that there is no end to His word. We could, in the future, obtain even more scripture. The Bible is the record of God's dealings with the people of the Holy land. It contains a testimony of the life of Christ, His birth, crucifixion, and resurrection. Likewise, the Book of Mormon is a record of God's dealings with the people of the ancient Americas. It also contains a testimony of Jesus Christ, and includes the record of His visit to the people of ancient America shortly after his resurrection. The Book of Mormon stands as a second witness that Jesus is the Christ, and that He did, in fact, resurrect from death. Together, with the Bible, it testifies of the divinity of the Savior, and establishes His doctrine.

I have a testimony in the ability of the Holy Ghost; the third member of the Godhead, to testify of truth. Through the power and influence of the Holy Ghost, we can know the truth of all things. As taught in the Bible, we can receive a witness that will be felt in our heart, as well as come as an assurety to our minds. It is through this power that I have gained my testimony. I'm so thankful for this blessing, and the opportunity I have to pray to God individually to know whether something is true or not, and whether or not it comes from Him. This has been a guiding force in my life.

I hope that if you have questions you will feel free to ask me. I am not a perfect scriptorian, but I have the scriptures available to study, and I hope that I can use them well to explain our beliefs. Thank you for allowing me to share this testimony with you.

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