Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Opposition to the Church

I happened across a blog today of someone who writes quite a bit of disparaging things about our church. This disturbs me greatly on many levels, but perhaps most of all because it is so unjust. Here is a list of thoughts I've had about the subject.

1. Most of what these people write contains quotes by anti-mormons, apostates, or is information that is taken out of context. That is simply not fair.

2. Much of what is written is simply an untruth. These authors may not be knowingly perpetuating untruths, but the information is incorrect nonetheless. I've even been given pamphlets by other religions that had printed untruths about our religion. If a church is going to spend money to print something, you would think they would be careful to make sure the information was accurate, rather than risk their own reputation and integrity. How can a Christian perpetuate untruths in good conscience? I think they can't. So my warning to all is to be careful what you teach others about our religion so that you can maintain Christlike behavior.

3. I have to wonder why they feel the need to attack our religion. Are we really a threat to them? Our church spends NO time attacking other religions, or in printing information that warns against them. We are busy carrying out the work of carrying the gospel to the world. We don't have time to worry about what other religions are doing.

4. As I have seen quotes by apostates, or opponents of our church, I have wondered about the time and effort involved in researching such quotes. My advice to such people would be that if they spent the same amount of time in a honest study of the Book of Mormon, they would learn more about our beliefs than by reading any other anti-mormon literature. Notice I used the term "honest study". To me, that term means that a person studies with real intent to find out if it is true, not just to try to prove it wrong, or find some ammunition to use against us. Personally, when I search for information, I try to go to the source, not a biased opponent. Some may call them "religious scholars", but a true scholar doesn't just study to find evidence to support their own theories, but to learn the truth.

5. I would give this advice to opponents of the church: "38 And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:
39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God." Acts 5:38,39

6. I would counsel all to respect the sacredness of the beliefs of others. Some anti-mormons reveal sacred things from the temple, or profane, or vandalize things which are sacred to us. That is disrespectful at best, and down right evil at the core.

7. The ultimate source of truth is God. The Holy Ghost can witness to us the truth of all things. It's always interesting to me that people study to try to find ways to fight against our religion, but I wonder how many of them actually study, then ask God with a sincere heart if our teachings are correct. My advice is to study with a sincere heart, with real intent, then ask God for yourself.


  1. Blog Author wrote 1. Most of what these people write contains quotes by anti-mormons, apostates, or is information that is taken out of context. That is simply not fair.

    I say please, it seems you are the one who is clueless, I can provide many quotes by YOUR CHURCH leaders or presidents that are very damaging, yet they are not taken out of context or from Anti mormons. You yourself have said that when I or Russ wrote stuff you simply skimmed over ot and did not read all of it. So how can you honestly make the claim it was taken out of context when you do not know what was said?

    Then you openly refuse to look into the facts and simply claim we/I are are lying. Rick b

  2. Blog author said 3. I have to wonder why they feel the need to attack our religion. Are we really a threat to them? Our church spends NO time attacking other religions, or in printing information that warns against them. We are busy carrying out the work of carrying the gospel to the world. We don't have time to worry about what other religions are doing.

    This here is either a flat out lie, Or you really have no clue what your church teaches or taught. Lets see, Who said that my church's creeds and doctrines are all wrong? O-yea, it was Joseph Smith. Yet if we said that about your church we would be accused of hate speech and attacks.

    What book of scripture teaches ALL CHURCHS are abominations in the eyes of God and all other Churchs are of the Church of the Devil?

    O-Yea, it's the Book of Mormon. So thats two strikes against you.

    What person said what I believe was hatched in hell? Brigham Young said that.

    Here is what some of the former LDS Prophets and presidents have said about christians and I Quote:
    "B Young: "with a regard to true theology, a more ignorant people never lived than the present so-called christian world" (Journal of Discourses 8:199). I quote 3rd president John Taylor (Brigham Young quotes Mr. Taylor) "Brother Taylor has just said that the religions of the day were hatched in hell, the eggs were laid in hell, hatched on its borders, and kicked onto the earth" (J.O.D 6:176). I quote Heber C. Kimball "Christians-those poor, miserable priests Brother Brigham was speaking about-some of them are the biggest whoremasters there are on the earth" (J.O.D 5:89)." then we can add the first vision by Joseph Smith. If God really did speak to him then he said all the christian creeds are an abomination in his sight.

    So are you aware of these teachings?

    You are now, so how is this ok? Yet when I say something it is hateful and an attack? Rick b

  3. Here's a thought. What would you say if I told you I believe some things that your founding LDS presidents and LDS teachers have said and I am doing just as they said. would that bother you or make you happy? Rick b

  4. I love it, You accuse us so called anti mormons of all kinds of stuff. Then you provide zero evidence and you cannot even reply.

    Now over on a blog called answering LDS, Some LDS are so hateful and vile they lie and have even been kicked off, yet they come back under false names and start replying again, that shows they use lies and deceit. Gotta hand it to you guys, you really love a lie and will defend it right up till death. Rick b
