Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Invitation Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Oakland California mission has organized what they call "Invitation Sunday". Non-members are always welcome to attend our services, but on April 26th, all of our lessons and talks will be oriented to help non-members understand our beliefs. We invite all who have interest, or who are just curious, to come meet with us that day and see what our church meetings are like. All areas of the Oakland mission are participating. This mission includes most of the Bay area cities. San Francisco city is in a separate mission, but most others cities are included.

For the meetinghouse nearest to you, please see the "meetinghouse locator" link on the side bar of this blog. Or simply click here.

We hope you will come join us Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. I wish they would do that here - I would invite a few different people, for no other reason than so they would understand it better.
